Please read prior to booking
To ensure a safe and positive experience, we require proof of ongoing prenatal care before performing an elective ultrasound in our facility.
Acceptable documentation includes: a completed waiver prior to your session, a dated ultrasound image from your current pregnancy,
an appointment card from your prenatal provider, or patient portal documentation showing dated HCG blood test results.
Thank you for helping us prioritize your health and safety!
2D Services
Sneak Peek (10-14 weeks) $99
Black and white 2D Scan (15 minutes)
See your Baby’s heartbeat
3 printed images to take home
Gender Reveal (14+ weeks) $129
Black and white 2D Scan (20 minutes)
Gender determination
Hear your Baby's heartbeat
3 printed images to take home
Listen to the Heartbeat (14-24 weeks) $149
Black and white 2D Scan (20 minutes)
Hear your Baby's heartbeat
3 printed images to take home
Pick a Heartbeat Animal with a recording of your Baby's heartbeat
3D/4D Services
Bronze (16-26 weeks) $179
3D/4D Scan (20 minutes)
Hear your Baby's heartbeat
Gender confirmation
3 B&W printed images
All colored digital images on Momitalk App
Silver (16-34 weeks) $199
3D/4D Scan (20 minutes)
Hear your Baby's heartbeat
Gender confirmation
3 B&W printed images
All colored digital images on Momitalk App
Entire ultrasound video on Momitalk App
Gold (28-34 weeks) $249
3D/4D Scan (20 minutes)
Gender confirmation
3 B&W printed images
3 colored printed images
All colored digital images on Momitalk App
Entire ultrasound video on Momitalk App
Pick a Heartbeat Animal with a recording of your Baby's heartbeat
The Journey Package
(3 visits during your pregnancy) $499
1st Visit- Sneak Peek (10 to 14 weeks)
Black and white 2D scan
See your Baby’s heartbeat
3 printed images to take home
2nd Visit - Bronze Package (16 to 26 weeks)
Hear your Baby's heartbeat
Gender confirmation
3 B&W printed images
All colored digital images on Momitalk App
3rd Visit - Gold Package (28 to 34 weeks)
Gender confirmation
3 B&W printed images
3 colored printed images
All colored digital images on Momitalk App
Entire ultrasound video on Momitalk App
Pick a Heartbeat Animal with a recording of your Baby's heartbeat
Additional gestation (twins) - $50
Heartbeat Animal with Recording of your Baby’s Heartbeat - $49
Gender Reveal Cannons - $30
Recording of heart beat without the stuffed animal - $25
Entire ultrasound recorded - $25
Gender Reveal Scratch Tickets - $5